I realised today that my fear/dislike of robots goes back even farther than that Disney special (a behind the scenes of Disneyland/Disney World – they showing Abraham Lincoln from the Hall of Presidents with no skin on his face).
Out of nowhere today I was reminded of Herbie Hancock’s video for “Rock-it.” Anybody else remember that? I was never out right scared of that video, rather appalled and fascinated at the same time. I think the no-skin Abraham Lincoln just sealed the deal.
Also probably some Westworld in there, too.
Been watching PGSM some more – my computer, the PS2, and the portable DVD player won’t play them. The regular DVD player will play it, but it cuts off the bottom so I can’t read the subtitles. Only the new computer in the computer room will play it no problems, and I hate having to sit in there as I have to *sit* – in other words, can’t lay down and be comfortable while watching it. But at least something will play them.
I forgot to watch Lost last night. Bad me.
I hate everybody who gets WB at a normal time. Our WB ‘station’ doesn’t come on/start until midnight. So say, if I want to watch Smallville, I have to stay up til the wee hours of the morning. So I’ve never watched Smallville, or Angel, or any of those other shows, even if I want to. But now Smallville is going to be starting on some other channel, so I’m gonna watch it. (And Angel repeats are on another channel now, too… but I’m still not watching it for some reason)
blah blah blah don’t wanna go to school today…